Senior Deputy Principal

The office supports the Principal in providing both strategic and day to day leadership of the school. It's also delegated to exercise direct responsibility in specifically designated areas including teaching and learning, quality improvement and compliance processes, marketing, human resources and parent/community relations. The office is responsible for student discipline, classroom observations, teacher evaluation and supervision, facilitating parent meetings, maintain schedules, and handling logistical matters. Additionally the duties include testing coordinators, training staff on procedures related to standardized assessment, as well as accounting for testing materials. The office also oversees the maintenance of attendance records and personnel reports. Meetings with staff and parents to discuss policies, educational activities and students learning or behavioural problems are also handled by the office. Counsel and guidance to students recording academic, personal, behavioural or vocational issues are dealt with along with enforcing attendance and discipline rules. Other administrative tasks such as processing paperwork and preparing or maintain information files, records and reports re done and the office also handles complaints, resolves conflicts or grievances and settle disputes.

The office works very closely with the principal on a daily basis to ensure the smooth overall operation of the school. Together they improve the learning and social environment of the school for the students. Resolving conflicts between students (which involves the Prefect body), teachers, parents or combination of conflicts between various individuals is important. The office also assist in yearly teacher evaluations, assists in providing guidance to staff and students, and encourages a positive climate in the school. Another core duty of the office is to direct assemblies and other special gatherings of students for events throughout the year. Where necessary the office assists in developing emergency response plans for the school as required by state and education agencies. In Melvin Jones this office forms a very integral part and the deputy principal assumes the office of acting principal in the absence of the Principal. Together with the team of staff and support staff, the school is one.

Well oiled machinery that is offering excellence in education and service delivery through diligence. Our aim is to empower the learner with holistic education for self actualization

Mr. Richard Nyamagwa

Our School


Lions Primary School
Lions Nursery School
Cambridge International Education

P.O Box 12226-20100, Nakuru, Kenya
+254 746-258-132
+254 777-200-190